Lately I've learned a few important lessons in life. Number one that for every dollar earned with hard work it becomes the dollar that's going to have much more value than any other dollar. Because that dollar from hard work is going to be spent in a wiser way. It literally transcends to be the dollar that has confrontated sweat, rush, and sometimes even a bit of humiliation. It is a matter of survival in a rough uptight atmosphere when we mention corporate america. All the rules are based on phantasmic and idealistic standards that in order to accomplish them fully it seems like one has to pass through a fastpaced, spazztic and overwhelming situation. Number two that if you never try hard to succeed and improvise it is for sure that you will be stuck in a dark hole for the rest of your life. As I told you before I work for the restaurant industry and when I think about it it's like being in the jungle dealing with wild animals. There is no respect of any sort, the so called "table manners" seem to have never existed because neither older generations are trying to pass it on to younger generations because they actually don't know the manners themselves. Where is this superior race that they claim to be when this kind of inferior behavior is seen most of the time. It's pathetic sometimes but this is a sad reality on how corporate america works. I just wish people could understand a little more what goes on in a restaurant business because the majority of customers blames everything on the servers when it's obvious that certain attitudes can mess up the whole process. This is a very personal opinion but perhaps people that also work for this industry can certainly agree with me. Corporations don't care what the employee has to go through as long as the profit is made. It is seriously a matter of working faster, inventing our own tools and trying our best to do the right thing, and also don't forget to learn how to do your coworkers job because sometimes you'll have to know how to do it in order to make it through the day. But here we are, still kissing people's butt in order to make them the type of customers that learn how to abuse. Work faster, work harder, work faster and work harder. 

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